Center for Gender, Peace and Security (CGEPS).
November 2023..
UN Women’s commitment and the need for a synergy of actions for women’s economic, political and social empowerment to ensure equitable opportunities for girls and boys, women and men in Cameroon is well established. Moreover, the UN organization in charge of women’s issues supports Cameroon in sharing good practices with other countries in the region on women’s economic empowerment issues, their access to land, finance, credit, etc., especially in communities affected by violent extremism and conflict. Improvement of living conditions, easy access to land, financial services and other services, the fight against the recruitment of the most vulnerable in extremist networks and the improvement of the quality of life of women and girls throughout Cameroon is not left behind.

Photo : UN Photo/Ivo Tanku Tapang
On the Cameroonian State side, women benefit from the attention of State Institutions and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) that have made gender equality issues a major concern. In this sense, Cameroon is a signatory to most international and regional Conventions and Treaties on the protection and promotion of women’s rights. The document of National Development Strategy 2020-2030 (SND30) recently adopted by the government indicates the orientations and priorities of the State for a better consideration of the gender approach in public policies.
It is in this sense that the ONUFEMMES Office in Cameroon works, which has adopted a new UNSDCF 2022-2026 strategic plan that was adopted in September 2021 with the cross-cutting integration of gender and an autonomous gender outcome. This strategic tool is based on the challenges faced in implementing equality policies. These challenges include low dedicated financial and human resources, gaps in gender data, persistent patriarchy and harmful norms, and growing humanitarian needs. To better address them, UN Women brings its unique comparative advantage and ability to leverage its triple mandate of normative support, UN coordination and operational activities.
In the implementation of the UNSDCF 2022-2026, the UN WOMEN Cameroon Agency intends to build on the four priorities that contribute to the achievement of the results of the Cooperation Framework for Sustainable Development with the State of Cameroon (UNSDCF).
- The full development of vulnerable people (refugees and internally displaced persons, mostly women) is a priority between 2022 and 2026. This vulnerable social layer must have equitable and sustainable access to quality basic social services. The aim is to give them the opportunity to realize their full human potential and increase their social and economic well-being.
- Closing gaps in key socio-economic indicators should lead to greater gender equality and progress in empowering young people, women, girls and other vulnerable groups, including in humanitarian contexts.
- By 2026, young people, women, people with disabilities, including refugees and internally displaced persons, must be able to contribute actively to the effectiveness of public policies and the performance of public institutions at national, regional and communal levels, and to fully enjoy their rights.
- To achieve the goals defined between 2022 AND 2026, gender statistics, data and knowledge will be produced, analysed and used to inform policy development, advocacy and accountability for gender equality and women’s empowerment. These focus areas are framed by the “Leave No One Behind” principle, taking a human rights-based approach and focusing on the most marginalized and vulnerable, addressing root causes through a comprehensive approach and strong partnership with national stakeholders, in particular government and CSOs.
Faced with this ambitious program, the Center for Gender, Peace and Security (CGEPS) intends to play its part by accompanying all stakeholders in achieving the objectives of the well-being of everyone, without discrimination.
As a reminder, the Center for Gender, Peace and Security (CGEPS) is an independent research centre whose main mission is to contribute, through research, study, analysis, documentation and information, to improve the inclusion of gender and women’s contribution to global peace and security initiatives in Africa and around the world. It consists of a team of researchers and experts with diverse and varied skills in the field of peace and security.
UNWOMEN is the United Nations entity dedicated to gender equality and women’s empowerment. A global champion for women and girls, UN Women was created to accelerate progress in addressing their needs around the world. UN Women supports UN member states in setting global standards to achieve gender equality, and works with governments and civil society to design laws, the policies, programs and services needed to ensure that standards are effectively implemented and truly benefit women and girls around the world.
Center for Gender, Peace and Security (CGEPS).
The Center for Gender, Peace and Security (CGEPS) is an independent research centre whose main mission is to contribute, through research, study, analysis, documentation and information, to improve the mainstreaming of gender and the contribution of women in global peace and security initiatives in Africa and around the world. It is made up of a team of researchers and experts with diverse and varied skills in the field of peace and security.
The Center for Gender, Peace and Security (CGEPS) est un Centre de recherche indépendant dont la mission principale est de contribuer, à travers les activités de recherche, d’étude, d’analyse, de documentation et d’information, à l’amélioration de la prise en compte de l’approche Genre et de la contribution des femmes dans les initiatives de paix et de sécurité globale en Afrique et dans le monde. Il est constitué d’une équipe de chercheurs et d’experts aux compétences diverses et variées dans le domaine de la paix et de la sécurité.

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