Center for Gender, Peace and Security (CGEPS)
Colombe Paix


The CGEPS is a center for research, information, exchange and promotion of gender approach in the field of peace and security in the global sense of the term.


Women and children are considered vulnerable and main victims of crises and armed conflicts.


We have moved from the need to protect women into considering them as agents of peace, security and development.


Global Dynamics

The UN, the ECCAS, the CEMAC and other organizations advocate the need to introduce the gender approach in peace operations.


The essential participation of women in the prevention and resolution of crises and conflicts around the world.

About the Center

The Center for Gender, Peace and Security (CGEPS) is an independent research center whose main mission is to contribute, through research, study, analysis, documentation and information, to improve the mainstreaming of gender and the contribution of women in global peace and security initiatives in Africa and around the world.

The CGEPS is made up of a team of researchers and experts with a wide range of skills in the field of peace and security.


International Symposium on Gender, Peace and Security in Africa: challenges and prospects

Yaoundé, du 07 au 08 mai 2025 Le Centre pour le Genre, la Paix et la Sécurité (CGEPS) organise un colloque international sur la problématique du Genre, de la paix […]


Compte rendu du Webinaire du 27 Aout 2024 Le Webinaire organisé le 27 aout 2024 par le Centre pour le Genre, la Paix et la Sécurité (CGEPS) sur le thème : Vulnérabilité […]


L’impact de la technologie digitale sur les femmes déplacées de guerre en milieu urbain : cas de la ville de Dschang au Cameroun Du 20 au 23 juin 2024, sous la […]

Reports to download

Depuis quelques années, les violences basées sur le genre et notamment sur les femmes connaissent un regain au Cameroun. Les viols collectifs, le harcèlement, les mutilations ou les décès sous […]

Conflict Transformation Study on the situation and contribution to the peace effort by internally displaced students of the Anglophone crisis in the Universities of Dschang, Douala and Yaoundé I

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