At the level of the United Nations, "Resolution S/RES/1325 (2000) on women, peace and security" is the embodiment of a global dynamic in favor of women's rights. The Security Council has already voted and adopted no less than eight other Resolutions (1820, 1888, 1889, 1960, 2106, 2122, 2242, 2467 and 2493) along the same lines. In addition to these Resolutions, the AU has adopted a series of texts aimed at protecting vulnerable groups, including women and children, the first victims of crises and armed conflicts in Africa. All these texts have in common the issue of the indispensable participation of women in the processes of preventing and resolving crises and conflicts throughout the world. This evolution reveals the United Nations' perception of the security threat, which is now multidimensional, as are the resolution processes. All this points to the need to involve more women in the quest for peace and security in its global sense; hence the desirability of creating the CGEPS by a group of experts in peace and security issues.