Center for Gender, Peace and Security (CGEPS)

The Women, Sustainable Development, Peace and Security Research Team (FDDPS)

Climate change destabilises political systems, undermines agricultural production and exacerbates poverty. In fragile contexts, it also worsens social and economic conditions, which can lead to increased or renewed conflict. Moreover, the links between climate and conflict create widespread and gender-specific effects.

As stakeholders in society, women do not have the same property rights and control over land, property and other assets. These disparities and discriminatory gender norms disadvantage women in conflict and crisis situations and can increase their vulnerability to climate impacts. The same structural and unequal factors that make women disproportionately vulnerable to climate change exclude them from processes, platforms and discussions on natural resource management and conflict mediation. Under the coordination of Eric Dieudonné LEKANE TSOBGOU, the research team Women Sustainable Development Peace and Security (FDDPS) is involved to the production of scientific analysis and research to inform on the contribution of women and even the consideration of gender in the field of environment, peace and security.

The CGEPS Research Teams

The CGEPS consists of 6 research teams organized as follows:


Gender, Operations and Peace Process (GOPP)


Gender, Children, Peace and Security (GEPS)


Gender, Economy, Peace and Security (GEcPS)


Women, Sustainable Development, Peace and Security (FDDPS)


Gender, Societal Change and Peace (GMSP)


Conflict transformation (CT)